351 Dr. William Waugaman I appreciate the opportunity to provide the joint perspective from one of the DoD’s combatant commands as it relates to homeland defense and our infrastructure. Fully 76% of all DoD installations lie within the U.S. Northern Command’s (USNORTHCOM) area of responsibility. Thus, when the USNORTHCOM combatant commander thinks about how he is going to execute homeland defense in a joint world, he wants to ensure that all these of different energy projects support both mission accomplishment and energy assurance. So, I was very happy to hear Captain Hugh Hemstreet talk about the importance of the mission. That is certainly where the combatant command is. How do we tie our operational mission together with our infrastructure and keep the two working hand in hand to accomplish the mission rather than simply working on compliance on the energy? Developing a CONOPS to Dr. William Waugaman is currently the National Laboratories liaison to North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command (N-NC), Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado. In this position, he represents the research and development information exchange between the Department of Energy’s 17 laboratories and the combatant command. His responsibilities include his role as the science and technology advisor, homeland security issues, laboratory reachback during exercises and real-world events, and interagency coordination. His current areas of interest include electric smart grid security, cyber security, information sharing, tunnel detection, bioengineering, and unmanned aerial vehicles. Prior to this position, he was the Deputy Head of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Dean of the Faculty, United States Air Force Academy, Colorado. He is a member of the Board of Directors for the Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium and an IEEE member. He earned his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Colorado in 1999. 352 Climate and Energy Proceedings 2011 bring mission and infrastructure together is very important from the combatant command point of view. Several of our speakers have mentioned the 2008 Defense Science Board study of the DoD’s energy needs and the 2009 CNA study that examined the cyber security aspects of our electric infrastructure upgrades. [1, 2] This past year, the Quadrennial Defense Review included a discussion of what improving energy efficiency will mean from a mission perspective. [3] At USNORTHCOM, we are focusing not only on improving the efficiency of day-to-day efficiency operations, but what happens when we have any type of catastrophic event, whether natural or man-made. How are we going to be able to continue to accomplish our mission of defending our citizens within the homeland? When you think about energy from a DoD perspective, liquid fuels are absolutely huge; but when you think about homeland defense from a continental United States (CONUS) perspective, electricity runs the home game and wet fuels run the away game. And, as we rely more and more on reachback to support our operational forces, that CONUS perspective becomes important for our deployed forces as well. We have to rely on our national infrastructure and our installation infrastructure to ensure that those missions are successful. Thus, the electricity running the home game is very important. As made evident by the ongoing tragedy in Japan, without that electricity infrastructure, it will be very difficult to accomplish the mission. As it turns out, Mr. Jeffrey Johnson’s efforts to bring in the legacy infrastructure and add the layers of security is the focus of the ongoing Smart Power Infrastructure Demonstration for Energy Reliability and Security (SPIDERS) Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD) that USNORTHCOM is working on with the U.S. Pacific Command (USPACOM). As shown in Figure 1, that JCTD is intended to address four critical deficiencies. What is SPIDERS trying to do specifically? First of all, we want to ensure that we can address the very large cyber vulnerabilities that arise when we add intelligent operations and a cyber layer over the top of what has traditionally been an analog and mechanical Chapter 10 Adapting Infrastructure to Energy Challenges 353 industrial control process. As we try to bring these processes into the smart grid infrastructure and improve our ability to automate, remotely control, and monitor all of these processes with less human intervention, how do we protect against potential cyber threats? We have to be able to use the modern encryption and cyber protection that Mr. Johnson described earlier while still having the ability to reach back to the infrastructure that we have already in the ground because we are obviously not going to replace it all. We have to be able to interface and work through that upgrade process. Figure 1. SPIDERS Summary Thus, cyber security is probably the biggest aspect of SPIDERS. We are looking at the cyber security of the smart grid infrastructure both at the installation level and at the interface with the public utilities. That is where we tie our installation into the civilian infrastructure, because obviously, we do not generate our own electricity. We rely on the public utilities sector to do that. So, we are concerned with how we interface our future microgrids with those public utilities and the potential impacts on our NetZero goals. We are also concerned about the use of renewable energy sources. Currently, the electrical power needs for our bases are being met primarily by a combination of conventional coal, nuclear, and natural gas. The intermittent nature of many of our existing renewable sources—like wind and solar—limits them to providing less than 10% of our energy. Given that, how are we 354 Climate and Energy Proceedings 2011 going to meet Secretary Ray Mabus’s goal of getting 50% of our energy from renewable sources by 2025? How are we going to meet the Green Navy goals? How are we going to meet the goals being set by the DoD and by Executive Orders if we cannot get past 10% right now? We are also concerned with how we are going to be able to integrate all the way up to 100% renewable energy and run NetZero facilities or installations during or after a catastrophic event. Can we maintain our mission after a catastrophic event and keep those renewable energy assets connected? Right now if we have an event, our concepts of operation (CONOPS) call for us to disconnect all our green energy sources because of the instabilities they have. Thus, that energy cannot be used for sustainment and mission. As an alternative, we are looking at whether we can use microgrids to keep the mission moving forward and in the process leverage those renewable sources, not necessarily to maintain 100% mission capability, but to accomplish at least the core mission and keep that going. We need to know how to integrate those microgrids with our current backup diesel generation. In a macro sense, the goal of SPIDERS is to bring together in a cyber-secure environment a microgrid that provides multiple paths of energy distribution that can be commanded and controlled by the installation commander according to mission priorities. We want to be able to allocate those energy assets in a cyber-secure way so that the renewable energy, energy storage, and backup diesel generation all work together in a system-integrated demand response methodology that allows us to do our core missions even in the event of a prolonged outage. So, that is what we are looking at when we are talking about SPIDERS—a cyber-secure microgrid that allows backup diesel generation, renewable energy for sustainment and the enhancement of the logistics tail in a long-term outage, and energy storage to all work together in concert. As shown in Figure 2, we are starting with three locations— Hickam Air Force Base (AFB), Hawaii; Fort Carson, Colorado; and Camp Smith, Hawaii—and using a stair-step approach. Because Chapter 10 Adapting Infrastructure to Energy Challenges 355 the JCTD has to have a 1-year deliverable, we have to leverage the things that we already have. Thus, we are using a crawl–walk–run methodology in stair stepping our way—sort of like taking the itsy bitsy spider up the water spout. Along the way, we will be developing the CONOPS and tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) that we need while working in partnership with the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Ultimately, of course, we want to transition the effort to the commercial sector. Figure 2. Expected SPIDERS Outcome Hopefully, our demonstration will benefit industry as it works to improve its own capabilities. The end result will be to enhance energy assurance as it comes across the fence line to us, so that we do not need to have our own stand-alone generation capability. The expected benefits of realizing the capability we are demonstrating in SPIDERS include day-to-day efficiencies, the demand response aspects of the microgrid, the ability to maintain enhanced renewable generations well past the 10% threshold, and the backup generation capability for the catastrophic case. Achieving these benefits in the face of cyber threats requires that we focus on cyber security. Accordingly, we have asked DHS, the National Security Agency (NSA), and the new Cyber Command to serve as a red team during our operational utility assessments. 356 Climate and Energy Proceedings 2011 Figure 3 identifies the other organizations that are currently participating in SPIDERS. In addition to USNORTHCOM and USPACOM, they include DOE, DHS, five of the DOE national laboratories, the military services, and the states of Colorado and Hawaii. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) is our transition manager and is developing the CONOPS and TTPs that we will need. We have also involved several local utility companies from the very beginning, because ultimately, we want them to solve our problem of maintaining a protected energy supply to our DoD installations. Figure 3. SPIDERS Participants REFERENCES 1. Defense Science Board, Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on DoD Energy Strategy, “More Fight—Less Fuel,” 2008, http://www.acq.osd.mil/dsb/reports/ADA477619.pdf. 2. CNA, Powering America’s Defense: Energy and the Risks to National Security, 2009, http://www.cna.org/sites/default/files/ Powering%20Americas%20Defense.pdf. 3. Department of Defense, 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review, 2010, http://www.defense.gov/qdr/images/QDR_as_of_ 12Feb10_1000.pdf.